Reports 23 January

23 January - Upwind up the Atlantic.
Audio Clip courtesy Trigone/VendeeGlobe
23 January - Newswire report - Upwind up the Atlantic.
Steve White, GBR, (Toe in the Water): "It's been more upwind than it has been forecast to be, it is pretty painful really from the North East and just in the wind range this boat does not really like, sort of 20-22 knots until the staysail really gets hold and so 23 knots and above it is not so bad. But, yes it has been pretty grim, slamming away into a short sea. We are reaching now but we have some big clouds which are messing the breeze about a bit, but we are heading in the right direction."
" It looks like a low is going to pop up on the Brasilian coast which is going to give me more wind if I am not careful but it seems like guesswork down here. The forecasts seem to change on a daily basis."
"It is all completely new to me down here. What I was recommended to do by various people was to route myself around the world in the preceding winters and see what sort of job I did of it, but I just never had the time with doing so many other things to keep home and family afloat and hang on to the boat, and raise sponsorship and that sort of thing.
"When the whole thing is finished and when all is said and done I am sure I will be happy with my race but at the moment, it is just the sort of person I am, then I am never satisfied, particularly with my own performance."