May 14 - Steve's blog Number 3.
Hurray! I finally downloaded some weather in one go when I wanted it! I don't know what it is that I have done to the server that is so bad that it is always "not responding" or "timing out", but let's hope it's going to be good from now on. So far all I have had is a phone bill as big as my teenage daughter Eryn's, and not a lot else to show for it.
Meanwhile on the food front, all of my fresh milk has turned into curds and whey or similar, I tried to shake it back together again, and it was OK in my porridge, but I think it's safer to jettison it, so I'm down to the powdered stuff now - it's never the same in tea, although I do get used to it.
I have had some company over the past couple of days, I had a swallow at the chart table for a couple of hours before he flew off again - he flew in past my right ear and landed on top of an instrument display and went to sleep! He didn't unfortunately hang around log enough to get rid of my other visitor, the world's most elusive fly. I'm afraid he is about to find out the hard way that this is not a two handed race - chart plotters at dawn!
Right now I am back under big spinnaker - it used to say "SILL" across the middle, but we took a 1.5 metre slice out across the middle because it was too long, so now Sill looks vaguely like something written in runes, and that will be my answer if anyone asks what it says!
On the sailing front, yes I am looking for an opportunity to come south, I haven't forgotten the ice gate! I just have to bide my time.